Thursday, May 26, 2011

What sort of fucking idiot do you take me for, Brett?

Did you really think Judith and I were just going to sit in my apartment that you've broken into TWICE already, waiting for you to attack us? Not fucking likely.

Judith and I are safe and sound, thanks to our good friends at the police department. They may be incompetent at catching you, even as they stake out my apartment for you like they did last night, but at least they know how to find a dark corner for us to hide in while you rampage about like a great, blind madman.

Just try and find us, Ahab.


  1. The Mad Ventriloquist wonders if daring a desperate man to find Alex is a good idea. Actually, The Mad Ventriloquist wonders why Alex posted at all. Wouldn't keeping quiet be the best idea?

  2. I could keep quiet.

    Or I can taunt this son of a bitch, get him to make a mistake, have the police there to catch him, and then I get back to my life.

  3. Alex. Captain Ahab went after a great white whale, a beast that could not be defeated by man, who he just kept hunting.

    Reality Check kiddo: You ain't a giant white whale. You're a very mortal man taking on another very mortal man, who WILL find you. The power born of madness is a fiendish thing indeed.

    Got a taser yet? Or another weapon? You'd better get one. You'll need it.

    Otherwise, the last thing you'll hear before he kills you will be something along the lines of "Balls-Balls-Balls of Steel." He'll just keep saying a bunch of nonsensical insane bullshit as he ends your life.

  4. The Mad Ventriloquist feels like this is a bad idea. But wishes Alex luck anyway.

  5. Oh, getting smart and making bad literary references, are we? Someone's getting wise to the mire of shit he's in.

  6. Alex, I can't help but feel you've made a terrible mistake and are going to pay for it tonight.

    Judith, do whatever you have to do.

    I pray that I'm wrong. No one else needs to die because of what has happened.
